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Mumait Khan in Bikini


  1. dear,mam
    look im the reyjhun222 my father is the true gen,tan in china and pres,gloria macapagal but we r in trouble here in philippines until now the making of war there is in my neiboorhood that man is manny person as face off ok but im ok

  2. dear,mam
    im sorry that i mension this wroting to yopur web but easy dont angry any way r most uotstanding woman in my name

  3. ok i give you the best for your younger forever the highdrocloride potassium is made in sugar cane like ajionamotto but ajinamotto is fake here look get i stick of that tree and boil and drinks ok in your brain damage

  4. dear,mam
    look the sal monila is hiv various ok is danger as human worm that not only like that is gonorhia risky in oil

  5. most of my battle is use my mother to kill the all people in all calamity that weoman is true thats mis my mother danger that is my problem here cause that is god

  6. look all in banaba and all in afp and pnp know that woman but teribble battle this country use that woman to kill all goverment in intirew world by manny kinds that is true look the 2 nuclear bomb explore that woman use by that man the serial killer and mad killer here in my side

  7. look in 1965 that his system use the woman to kill all goverment official here in the philippines why this goverment bnand afp and pnp ignore himeven true happenning manny senate oficial and pnp and afp die in battle in mindanao



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